In Jesus Name Babies

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Most of the babies we help have no room or crib of their own. They live doubled up in relatives homes-often this instability causes their mothers to have no income for them as well  But every child is still welcomed with joy and celebration and delighted in.  Our ministry provides formula, diapers, pack and plays as a sleeping place, bassinets, and baby bouncers, blankets and clothing.

Finding a safe haven of love in a poorer family's home

Finding a safe haven of love in a poorer family’s home

baby LopezIMG-20130629-00023

Living at grandma’s with my mom

Baby Jasmines Hoboken-20131021-00099

Moving between my step grandfather’s family and my mother’s family

Baby boy IMG-20131012-00091

I can sleep anywhere I am loved

George Michael

Named to bring joy

Double the love

Double the love


Ready to play where ever I am

Baby FantasiasHoboken-20131021-00098

I have a big extended family and lots of places to sleep